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Access to the free case search pages has been revoked for your IP address due to apparent violation of our Terms of Use. The Terms of Use permits users to download only "insubstantial portions" of the data on, and specifically prohibits the use of "scripts, programs, or any other automated means" to get data.

These restrictions have been implemented because:

  1. Mass distribution of electronic court records is strictly regulated by Illinois Supreme Court policy. Among other things, this policy is intended to prevent improper access to data which is impounded, declared private or otherwise restricted AFTER an organization acquires a copy of it.
  2. Automated data access to accomplish "back door" mass distribution creates high volumes of traffic on the site, which results in unacceptable wait times for users who ARE complying with the Terms of Use.

So in accordance with our Terms of Use, we have permanently prohibited your IP address from accessing If you feel that your use is NOT in violation of our Terms of Use, you may contest the matter by sending us an e-mail.

If your use is "person centric", focusing on ad-hoc queries on specific individuals rather than obtaining data in bulk for retention and re-use, we may be able to accommodate your needs with a web service. By offering such narrowly-scoped web services, we can often avoid the burden put on our servers and bandwidth by users of "scraping" scripts. If this would be of interest to you, send an e-mail describing the searches you'd like to run and the data elements you're seeking on the cases returned.